The White Heron


Great White Heron

Great White Heron




 Based on “The White Heron”, supply one word to complete the following statements:


1- The ” White Heron was written by ……………… Orne.

2-  The person who narrates a story in a radio is called ………

3- The main character in the White Heron is called ……………

4- Sylvie lives with her ………………………

5- In the forest Sylvie met a man who …………………. birds.

6- The person who met Sylvie in the wood promised to give her………..

7- Sylvie climbed to the top of a …………………… tree.

8- .The “secret ” that Sylvie wanted to hide is the Heron’s ….

9- Sylvie did not help the scientist to catch the white …………

10- ………….. shows a strong attachment to her environment.


19 Responses to “The White Heron”

  1. somia basheir Says:

    1- The ” White Heron was written by …Sarah…………… Orne.
    2- The person who narrates a story in a radio is called Kay Gallant………
    3- The main character in the White Heron is called Sylvie……………
    4- Sylvie lives with her …grandmother,s……………………
    5- In the forest Sylvie met a man who …collect………………. birds.
    6- The person who met Sylvie in the wood promised to give her 10 Dollars………..
    7- Sylvie climbed to the top of a ……pine……………… tree.
    8- .The “secret ” that Sylvie wanted to hide is the Heron’s nest….
    9- Sylvie did not help the scientist to catch the white …heron………
    10- ………….. shows a strong attachment to her environment.

  2. Abeer alamin (mis) Says:

    1- The ” White Heron was written by …Sarah…………… Orne.
    2- The person who narrates a story in a radio is called Kay Gallant………
    3- The main character in the White Heron is called Sylvie……………
    4- Sylvie lives with her …grandmother,s……………………
    5- In the forest Sylvie met a man who …collect………………. birds.
    6- The person who met Sylvie in the wood promised to give her 10 Dollars………..
    7- Sylvie climbed to the top of a ……pine……………… tree.
    8- .The “secret ” that Sylvie wanted to hide is the Heron’s nest….
    9- Sylvie did not help the scientist to catch the white …heron………
    10- ………….. shows a strong attachment to her environment.

  3. Ayat Badreldin(MB) Says:

    1- The ” White Heron was written by …Sarah…………… Orne.
    2- The person who narrates a story in a radio is called Kay Gallant………
    3- The main character in the White Heron is called Sylvie……………
    4- Sylvie lives with her …grandmother,s……………………
    5- In the forest Sylvie met a man who …collect………………. birds.
    6- The person who met Sylvie in the wood promised to give her 10 Dollars………..
    7- Sylvie climbed to the top of a ……pine……………… tree.
    8- .The “secret ” that Sylvie wanted to hide is the Heron’s nest….
    9- Sylvie did not help the scientist to catch the white …heron………
    10- The story &Sylvie`s decision………….. shows a strong attachment to her environment.

  4. Modawi Abd Alazeem group2 mls Says:

    1/sara orna
    2/kay gallant
    5/collected birds

  5. ahmed salah ahmed group 2 MD Says:

    1/sara Orna
    2/kay gallant
    5/collected birds

  6. Ayat Badreldin Says:

    1. Sara
    2. Key Gallant
    3. Sylvie
    4. Grand mother
    5. Collect
    6. 10 dollars
    7. Pine
    8. Nest
    9. Heron
    10. Sylvi`s decision REVISE !
    You are no. ONE ! excellent



    1/sara Orna
    2/kay gallant
    5/collected birds



    1/sara Orna
    2/kay gallant
    5/collected birds

  9. israa mohomed musa Says:


    1/sara Orna
    2/kay gallant
    5/collected birds

  10. mona fathi Says:


    1/sara Orna
    2/kay gallant
    5/collected birds

  11. nursing.rania abd 1 Says:

    To eradicate malaria in sudan we should work together as acolaprative team of the folloing procedure , First :buring the dirty water from any place (school .house,hospital street,…) because it occurs in rain.second: spraying the house,street,& any place by insectside by spraying plain or cars .
    third: all indiviual you should use nets during sleeping .
    Fourth: available the anti malaria to any person.
    fifth : discover & treatment the carrier.

  12. maria alsmani mohmmed (n) Says:

    Miriam has just finished cooking supper . after that she put the dishes of meat on the table for her children to eat .as she do this a dog seize the plate of meat from her hands and run away . burning with anger .
    Miriam take a stick and chase the dog .the dog enter an old building and Miriam follow it. it be so dark that she begin. to be frightened finally, the dog stop in corner and drop the meat in the corner Miriam see several puppies who wag their tails at their mother one of the puppies notice that Miriam raise her stick (oh no !) think the puppy that cruel woman (hit) my mummy the puppy cry out stop please forgive her she do love her children.
    Miriam think of her own children whom she leave at home I forgive her she say and return home where she find her eldest daughter who prepare a new dish of meat for the family

  13. maria alsmani mohmmed (n) Says:

    Sudanese hospitality :
    we Sudanese people are well known for our unique brand of hospitality both to Sudanese friends as well as to any people who come to the Sudan from other countries every Sudanese head of the family believes that it is his duty to maintain this valued tradition and to breed into his children a sense of hospitality those children will be the parents of the future who will in fluency the values and direction of our society . because this practice has dominated our loves and way of thinking for many centuries it is common to find people travel ling to distant places in side the Sudan with out carrying any foot with them, yet they are always sure of finding food and even a place to stay wherever thy go of course the ways of showing hospitality are different from one are to another but in all areas the tradition of welcome and looking after our guests is the same.

  14. rania gamal -mit Says:

    The tress are very important for THe people. THat it help us to protect .Owr silve from The sun, it give us shade ,oxygine,fodder and helpus to many facture some medicine .Some people visit forests to enjoyable .We use wood to building houses and we use charcoal for prepering food .We use some types of trees to make oil and sugar

  15. Barileallob Says:

    Authentic words, some truthful words man. You rocked my day!!

  16. mona fathi semestir3 Says:

    enviroment it very important and indicater to improve to the contuaryand
    peaple.enviroment in the sudan itdarty dueto apsent of knowlege and mal practis .
    the roleof peaple to education ,teache peaple not important to enviroment
    health .comunity health indicater to killing all the disease and pathogens for example maliara .

  17. semestir3 Says:

    health in in sudan isn,t improve illness increase because knowlage not enough to increase it .Ihope to chang profile to better by knowage and more practice .Iwant to learn peaple how care your self and prevent u from chronic disease .sharung all of you to decrease illness and keep the social health as possple

  18. semestir3 Says:

    health in in sudan isn,t improve illness increase because knowlage not enough to increase it .Ihope to chang profile to better by knowage and more practice .Iwant to learn peaple how care your self and prevent u from chronic disease .sharung all of you to decrease illness and keep the social health as possple

  19. طارق الركابي Says:

    Timing can not be changed due to restrictions related to lecture rooms and other constrains

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